Health Packages

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Delivery Package (Caesarean)-Single Private Room

Maternity and Antenatal Packages

At the Canadian Specialist Hospital, we offer a number of packages including both Gynecologist and midwife-led care, with the full range of birthing options available to suit you and your partner's needs.

Delivery Package (Caesarean) - Single Private Room at Canadian Specialist Hospital Dubai

At Canadian Specialist Hospital (CSH) in Dubai, we offer an exceptional experience for your caesarean delivery. Our Single Private Room package is designed to provide you with the highest level of comfort, care, and convenience during this special time.

Our team of highly skilled obstetricians, led by HOD Dr Dani, are dedicated to ensuring a safe and memorable delivery experience. With over 15 years of experience each, they have successfully delivered thousands of babies and are renowned for their expertise in caesarean deliveries.

The Delivery Package (Caesarean) - Single Private Room includes:

For Mother:

  • Pre Anesthesia tests

  • Gynecologist Fees for 2 days

  • Operation Theater Charges

  • Room Charges for 3 days/2 nights in our luxurious Single Private Room

  • Blood Group identification

  • 1 CTG

  • Complete blood count (CBC)

  • Urine analysis

  • Standard Consumables during Delivery

  • Standard Medications

  • Routine Nursing Care

For Baby:

  • Neonatologist Attendance during the Delivery

  • Two (2) Pediatrician consultations

  • Nursery charges for 3 days/2 nights in our state-of-the-art nursery

  • Blood group & RH Type

  • Complete Blood test (CBC)

  • Hearing Screening Test

  • Vaccination (BCG & ENGERIX)

  • Standard Consumables and Medications

  • Routine Nursing Care

Our Single Private Room is designed to provide you with the ultimate in comfort and privacy. Featuring a spacious room, a comfortable bed, and a private bathroom, you can relax and enjoy your stay with your family. At CSH, we are committed to providing exceptional care for both you and your baby. Our team of experienced nurses and midwives will be by your side throughout your stay, ensuring that you receive the support and attention you need.

To learn more about our Delivery Package (Caesarean) - Single Private Room or to schedule a consultation with one of our obstetricians, please contact us today.

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