Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences

Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences Department

Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences Department at Canadian Specialist Hospital specialize in providing clinically integrated Psychiatric Care for Pediatric and Adult Patients with compassion and understanding. We do this by a comprehensive state-of-the-art mental health diagnostic assessment along with safe and pioneering mental health treatment addressing the full range of mental health conditions. Having an initial assessment means we can identify your needs and point you in the direction of the most appropriate treatment for your condition.

The Department of Psychiatry at Canadian Specialist Hospital has a qualified, experienced, American trained and Board Certified physician psychiatrist who addresses all mental health conditions and provides quality treatment serving patient population including children, adolescents, adults, and seniors.

Our psychiatrist is a qualified, experienced, American trained and Board Certified with expertise in psychotherapy and psychopharmacology.   She has expertise in establishing a therapeutic relationship with her patients and works in a highly collaborative working style with other specialties, therapist, psychologists, other allied health professionals, patients and family members as a team designing and implementing individualized treatment plans thus providing high-quality care in conjunction to achieve the best possible patient care outcomes.

We aim to make your journey as comfortable as possible and the department is friendly, welcoming, and ideal for starting your journey on the road to recovery. We are dedicated to putting your feelings and concerns first.

Treatment is tailor-made to attend to an individual's need, provided in an out-patient clinic setting offering a therapeutic environment with a focus on healing, recovery, quality of life, restoration, and personal transformation.

Psychopharmacology pertains to understanding the connection between human psychology and medication/drugs. It is a systematic study of medications that are used to analyze and treat mental health ailments influencing mood, behavior, health, attention, thought process, and routine actions.

We recognize that there can be social stigmas associated with mental health across all cultures and countries and we are here to break those barriers down.

We respect the patient's confidentiality, culture, religion, and belief system.


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