CT Scan

What is a CT Scan?

A Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a sophisticated diagnostic imaging technique that combines X-rays and computer technology to generate detailed images of the body's internal structures. This includes bones, muscles, fat, organs, and blood vessels. CT scans are instrumental in diagnosing tumors, investigating internal bleeding, and assessing other internal injuries or damage. A CT scan can be used of diagnostic medical imaging and are also used for guiding tissue or fluid biopsies.

Revolutionizing Imaging at Canadian Specialist Hospital

At Canadian Specialist Hospital (CSH) in Dubai, we are proud to offer cutting-edge imaging technology in our radiology imaging department with the Philips® Brilliance iCT 256 scanner. This state-of-the-art equipment provides industry-leading low-contrast resolution and is capable of performing rapid scans with high power imaging. It can capture up to 256 slices, making it ideal for cardiac, perfusion, pediatric, and whole-body imaging.

CT Diagnostics Across Specialties

  • Cardiology: The iCT scanner features a fast rotation time of 0.27 seconds, allowing for shorter scan times and superior temporal resolution in cardiac cases.

  • Neurology: Neurovascular imaging is completed in mere seconds, enabling comprehensive neck and brain scans in just 3-4 seconds.

  • Gastroenterology: Virtual colonoscopy and enterography are now more accessible with low-dose scans and exceptional image quality.

  • Orthopedics: From head to toe, the OMAR (Orthopedic Metal Artifact Reduction) technology minimizes metal artifacts in prosthetic imaging.

  • Urology: CT urography benefits from low-dose, high-quality imaging with IMR (Iterative Model Base Reconstruction) for detailed urinary system investigations.

  • Pulmonology: CT scans assist in diagnosing and managing chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and refractory asthma.

Breast Imaging with CT Scan

While mammography remains the gold standard for breast cancer screening, CT scans can play a valuable role in breast imaging for specific situations. At Canadian Specialist Hospital Dubai, we utilize our advanced Philips® Brilliance iCT 256 scanner for breast CT when necessary. This technology offers high-resolution 3D images of the breast tissue, which can be particularly useful for evaluating dense breast tissue, assessing the extent of known breast cancers, or planning surgical interventions. CT scans of the breast can provide detailed information about the size, shape, and location of tumors, as well as their relationship to surrounding structures. However, it's important to note that breast CT is typically used as a complementary tool to mammography and ultrasound, rather than a primary screening method, due to the higher radiation exposure compared to traditional mammography.

Philips® Brilliance iCT 256 Features

  • Image Quality and Dose Management: Equipped with FBP (Filtered Back Projection) technology, the system also features iDose and IMR to reduce patient radiation exposure by 60% to 70%, while maintaining diagnostic image quality.

  • Iterative Module Reconstruction (IMR): Combines hardware and software to deliver lower doses with higher image quality.

  • Smart Dose Management: Adheres to FDA guidelines, focusing on smart beam management, reduced radiation time, and increased dosage awareness.

  • iDose Technology: Ensures the lowest possible radiation dose, optimal image quality, and reduced scan time.

  • Rapid Rotation and Image Acquisition: Sub-second 360° rotation improves patient compliance and reduces motion artifacts.

  • Step & Shoot Technology: Enhances visualization of coronary, mediastinal, thoracic, and brain structures with high power and precision.

  • Advanced Detector Technology: Utilizes direct integration to reduce noise at low energy levels, providing high-quality images with minimal radiation exposure.

At CSH Dubai, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest standard of care through advanced imaging solutions, ensuring accurate diagnostics and improved treatment outcomes.

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