Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery at CSH Dubai

Say Goodbye to Back Pain

Less Pain | Faster RecoveryMinimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) offers a revolutionary approach to treating spine conditions. Unlike traditional open spine surgery, MISS uses smaller incisions or sometimes no incisions at all, minimizing damage to nearby muscles and tissues. This leads to less pain and a faster recovery.

Why You Might Need Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

While most back pain cases do not require surgery, your healthcare provider might recommend spine surgery if other treatments, such as medications or physical therapy, have not been effective. Minimally invasive procedures can address specific conditions, including:

  • Disc prolapse

  • Protrusion with or without leg or neck pain

However, not all spinal disc problems can be treated with minimally invasive techniques. Your doctor will conduct a thorough examination and use appropriate investigations to determine the best treatment method for your condition.

Types of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Patient Selection

The selection of the appropriate procedure depends on the type of disc prolapse, symptoms, and MRI findings. Your doctor will discuss these details with you during your outpatient consultation.

Procedure Steps

Minimally invasive spine surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia with mild sedation to ensure comfort. The procedures generally take between 20 to 30 minutes and involve the following steps:

  1. Insertion of Needle or Cannula: This may cause a pinching sensation and can be done without an incision or with a minimal 2mm incision, resulting in no blood loss and no tissue damage.

  2. Instrument Insertion: Depending on the procedure (LASER, Radiofrequency Ablation, DISKOM, or Endoscopic Discectomy), the appropriate instrument is inserted through the working channel.

  3. Decompression: The disc is decompressed, and the compressed nerve root is freed, alleviating pain in the back, arms, or legs.

  4. Sample Collection: If necessary, a disc sample may be collected for histopathology diagnosis.

After the Procedure

Post-procedure care includes:

  • Shifting to the recovery room and then to your room, with discharge by evening.

  • Applying ice to the area for 1-2 hours per day for 3 days.

  • Prescribed medications to relieve pain symptoms.

  • Physical therapy and home exercises for optimal recovery.

Recovery and Return to Work

Recovery from minimally invasive spine surgery is quick, with the procedure taking about 30 minutes. Patients often feel minimal pain and can return home the same day. Most patients feel better immediately and can return to work within a few days. It is crucial to listen to your body and consult your doctor before resuming normal activities, especially heavy lifting.

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

  • Smaller or no skin incision

  • No blood loss

  • No muscle or ligament damage

  • No muscle or tissue cutting

  • Minimal infection risk

  • Daycare procedure

  • Early rehabilitation

  • Less postoperative pain and discomfort

  • Faster recovery

Experience the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery at CSH Dubai and take the first step towards a pain-free life.

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